Listening To Survive
” Humans are picture-centered because there’s so much noise pollution in our modern world today… But I want to go back for a moment and let’s just forget about the modern world, and let’s just look at evolution. Some animal species are actually blind. The ability to see is not essential for survival. There are blind animal species in the back of the caves, in the bottom of the oceans and stuff like this, but sound is so important that every higher vertebrate species has the ability to hear.
And sight is such an affordable luxury that eyelids evolved. We can close our eyes. OK, that’s enough of that. I’m just going to close my eyes and take a break. But not once in the fossil record do we have any evidence that a species evolved earlids. That would be far too dangerous. Animals must listen to survive. But here in our modern world, we’ve kind of forgotten that. “
Listen More | Earth is a Solar Powered Jukebox
Get on a virtual journey into one of Earth’s last remaining bastions of true quiet. Shooting in beautifully immersive 360 video, directors Adam Loften and Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee follow acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton as he explores the mossy, green heart of silence.
“Silence isn’t the absence of something, but the presence of everything.”
Silence is an endangered species, says Gordon Hempton. He defines real quiet as presence — not an absence of sound, but an absence of noise. The Earth, as he knows it, is a “solar-powered jukebox.” Quiet is a “think tank of the soul.” We take in the world through his ears.
Silence is the presence of time undisturbed. It can be felt in the chest. It nurtures our nature.
Still. About the Whole
Complement with Tribute To Sun Ra(s) G by J Rocc
We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. Epictetus