Fields of Randomness | Aesthetics

Amy Schumer, The Trailblazer

  GLAMOUR Awards, London ,June 2, 2015. Accepting the award for Trailblazer of the Year, Amy Schumer was at once bawdy, empowering and wonderfully unpretentious. The comedian and actress joked about her weight, beauty magazines and other winners of the night at the podium. She added before leaving the stage: “I feel like I’ve burned […]

Fields of Randomness | Aesthetics

“Last F**kable Day” with Tina Fey, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Patricia Arquette

  Comedy Central sketch in which Amy Schumer randomly stumbles upon a picnic attended by the holy trinity of Tina Fey, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Patricia Arquette. As it turns out, once Amy joins them, she finds out that they’re there to celebrate Julia’s “Last Fuckable Day” — or, as they each brilliantly explain to Schumer, that dreaded […]